Silicon Studio

Silicon Studio is a world-leading Japan-based developer of game and media technology. We develop cross-platform, real-time 3D tech solutions for game production, animation, visualization, and research use. Our team of talented and experienced engineers is dedicated to providing clients with cutting-edge tools and technologies to help them create the best game, movie, and animation experiences on the planet. We have developed the cutting-edge game engine, OROCHI 3D, which has been used to create one of the fastest and most successful 3D interactive games for mobile devices and the PC. Our building blocks for the OROCHI 3D engine enable developers to create amazing real-time 3D visuals and virtual worlds, with stunningly realistic effects, a wide range of lighting, and an incredibly powerful performance. This game engine is one of Silicon Studio’s most successful products, and has become an industry standard. At Silicon Studio, we are committed to exclusively using the highest quality and most advanced technology, and are consistently pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Our team of developers is dedicated to pushing the bounds of software, graphics, and AI technology, all in the pursuit of creating the best possible experiences for our clients. We are always searching for talented individuals with a passion for programming, coding, application development and IT to join our team. Our team offers a fun, collaborative environment with a commitment to learning and personal growth. With our wide range of cutting-edge technology solutions and creative minds, Silicon Studio is the perfect place to grow and become part of a world-leading game and media technology team.

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Software Engineer

Average Work Hours (weekly unless noted): 40
Average Salary (yearly in dollars unless noted): $200K+
Description: Responsible for the creation, development, and management of software solutions. This includes debugging, coding, testing and deploying software solutions, as well as working with system architecture and design principles. Collaborates with other teams including product owners and system engineers to determine product needs.
Qualifications / Requirements: Bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or related field and/or relevant experience; experience with programming languages such as Java or C++; strong knowledge of software development process; excellent problem solving and analytical skills.
Locations: Tokyo, Kyoto, Okinawa, Yamaguchi, Fukui, Nara, Kumamoto, Sapporo, Osaka
Career Paths: Software Engineer, Game Programmer, 3D Artist, Technical Artist, Technical Support Engineer, Program Manager, Quality Assurance Engineer, System Administrator, UI/UX Designer, Product Manager.
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Recent Reviews

Shane B.
I have worked in tech at Silicon Studio for a few years now, and I've definitely been impressed by the high level of expectations set for their projects. Despite the demanding projects, I'm incredibly grateful for the excellent support I get from upper management in the technical department. Everyone here wants to see the best results and is willing to put in the amount of time it takes to do so. I'm also grateful for the various learning opportunities that I'm provided here, both to give me additional skills and help sharpen my current ones. I highly recommend Silicon Studio if you're looking for a challenging yet rewarding work experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do Silicon Studio employees do?
Silicon Studio employs a diverse array of professionals in a wide range of fields, including software development, graphics design, game design, music composition and sound engineering, level design, and more.
What technical skills are required for jobs at Silicon Studio?
Many positions at Silicon Studio require strong technical skills in coding, software engineering, and graphic design, as well as a deep knowledge base in the gaming industry.