Articles & Advice

Read interviews and tips from hiring and recruiting experts, guides to programming with developers, and live webinars to answer all of your questions about the career change into tech.

How to Choose the Right Coding Bootcamp for Your Career Goals
Choosing the right coding bootcamp can be a game-changer for your tech career. Our guide, ‘How to Choose the Right Coding Bootcamp for Your Career Goals,’ offers practical tips and advice for finding the right...
The Pros and Cons of Learning to Code Online vs. In-Person Bootcamps
Discover the flexibility and convenience of online coding bootcamps, or the access to in-person support and structured learning environment of in-person bootcamps. We’ll explore factors such as cost, scheduling flexibility, and access to support, so...
How to Fund Your Coding Bootcamp Education: Scholarships, Loans, and Grants
Discover scholarship options offered by bootcamp providers and external organizations, explore loan options such as private loans and income share agreements, and learn about grants offered by government agencies and nonprofit organizations. We’ll also provide...

Are Coding Bootcamps Worth the Cost? A Comprehensive Analysis.

Are coding bootcamps worth the cost? It’s a question many aspiring tech professionals ask themselves before embarking on this journey. Our comprehensive guide delves into the potential benefits and drawbacks of attending a coding bootcamp, as well as the return on investment (ROI) of such a program. With facts and figures to back up our analysis, we’ll help you decide if a coding bootcamp is worth the cost. Discover the average cost of attending a bootcamp, compare it to other forms of education, and explore the potential financial aid options available.

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Code Your Way to Success: 10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Coding Bootcamp

Our guide, “Code Your Way to Success: 10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Coding Bootcamp,” provides valuable insights into the top questions to ask, including curriculum, program duration, cost, schedule, class size, and job placement rate. Discover how to research and evaluate potential bootcamps, and learn how to make the right decision to advance your tech career. With the potential to gain new skills quickly, network and make connections, and launch a new tech career, attending a coding bootcamp can be a game-changer. Make sure you ask the right questions to set yourself up for success.

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Unlock Your Tech Career: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Entry-Level Tech Jobs

Are you looking to kickstart your career in tech but not sure where to start? Entry-level tech jobs might just be the perfect fit for you! Our guide, “Unlock Your Tech Career: The Ultimate Guide to the Best Entry-Level Tech Jobs,” provides valuable insights into the best entry-level tech jobs, including software engineering, data analysis, cybersecurity, technical support, and project management. Discover the top companies hiring for entry-level tech employees and learn how to get started on your tech career journey today!

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Entering the Tech Industry: The Hottest Tech Companies for Entry-Level Jobs

Are you an aspiring techie looking to kick-start your career in tech? Or perhaps, you’re a professional trying to switch careers or relocate to another location. Whatever your situation may be, one thing remains true – getting your foot in the door of a tech company can be challenging.

According to Statista, the technology industry is projected to reach $5 trillion by 2022. That’s a staggering amount! And with such exponential growth comes stiff competition for jobs, particularly for entry-level roles.

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2023 Top Companies In Tech Based On Salary

Are you interested in pursuing a career in tech and want to work for a top company with competitive salaries? Our comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into the top tech companies in 2023 based on salary strengths. We break down the top companies with the highest average salaries and provide information on their compensation structures and benefits. Additionally, we offer insights into how tech companies determine salaries and provide tips on how to negotiate for a higher salary. Whether you’re just starting out in the tech industry or looking to advance your career, our guide can help you maximize your earning potential and land your dream job

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Best Tech Jobs That Require Little To No Experience

Ready to kick-start your career in tech but don’t have any prior experience? No problem! Our guide, “Best Tech Jobs That Require Little to No Experience,” provides valuable insights into the top tech jobs that don’t require prior experience, including customer service, technical support, quality assurance, data entry, and social media management. Discover the top companies hiring for these entry-level tech jobs, and learn how to get started on your tech career journey today. With the benefits of gaining real-world experience, developing personal and professional relationships, and improving hard and soft skills required at work, these tech jobs are the perfect starting point for anyone looking to break into the industry.

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