
Realtek is a company specializing in high-performance semiconductor ICs (integrated circuits), providing world-class technology solutions for one of the global largest and most competitive markets. The company was originally incorporated in 1987, and has achieved rapid growth and global recognition for its efforts in developing cost-effective communication applications and digitally networked solutions. Realtek’s mission is to continue innovating by developing the latest technologies for cost-effective IoT solutions. Their aim is to produce products that maximize performance and cost efficiency for the global market. They strive to address current industry challenges, such as the need for low power consumption and multimedia connectivity. Realtek drives innovation and provides next-generation solutions to meet the market’s evolving needs by building on their 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing semiconductor ICs. Realtek offers several services related to the semiconductor industry in various fields. Their engineering team is skilled in circuit design and embedded software development using the latest technology trends. The developers specialize in ARM processor and RTOS based solutions, power management technology, and digital signal processing (DSP). Realtek also offers comprehensive software development services, including embedded Linux, RTOS and industrial sensors programming. Realtek is committed to providing its customers with cutting-edge and advanced technology solutions. As one of the leading semiconductor suppliers, the company is focused on delivering the best value and performance for its customers. They strive to improve quality, efficiency, and reliability of their products as well as provide excellent customer service and support. For software developers, Realtek offers a broad range of application development environments, tools and software libraries to support the latest technologies.

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Software Development Engineer

Average Work Hours (weekly unless noted): 40
Average Salary (yearly in dollars unless noted): 85000
Description: Realtek is looking for a software development engineer who has experience in software design and development in C++, C#, and SQL. The ideal candidate should be passionate about programming, have innovative ideas for creating new software projects, and have experience working with mobile and web applications. This individual will work closely with other software developers and closely follow project requirements to create products that clients are expecting from Realtek.
Qualifications / Requirements: The successful candidate must hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field. Strong experience with application-level software engineering and design expertise, experience in developing Windows-based software platforms and interfaces, and a deep knowledge of software engineering principles is required.
Locations: Taipei, Hsinchu, Zhubei, Shenzhen, Yantai, Shanghai, Kyoto, Osaka, Santa Clara
Career Paths: Software Engineer, Firmware Engineer, Hardware Engineer, Network Engineer, Systems Engineer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Technical Support Engineer, IT Technician, Computer Programmer, Database Administrator.
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Recent Reviews

John C.
Realtek is an amazing company to work with. Their commitment to continuing innovation and development is truly inspiring. The team I'm assigned to is knowledgeable and always willing to answer questions and help out when needed. They treat their employees well and go above and beyond to make sure everyone is comfortable and informed about their job roles. I'm always encouraged to apply creative solutions to problems and am encouraged to think outside the box.

Frequently Asked Questions

What tasks do hardware engineers at Realtek complete?
Hardware engineers at Realtek are responsible for designing, researching, developing, and testing hardware for electronic products.
Are customer service roles available for Realtek employees?
Yes, customer service roles are available for Realtek employees depending on the size and scope of operations.