
PayPal is a global technology platform that enables digital and mobile payments on behalf of merchants, consumers, and other financial institutions. Through the platform, users can securely store and manage accounts, payments, and transactions in a matter of seconds. PayPal simplifies online shopping and payments and offers a secure way to make payments online.At the heart of PayPal’s sophisticated technology stack is their proprietary Payment Technology Platform. This platform enables customers to securely transfer funds, promote secure payment processing, and provide users with financial reports. The platform serves millions of customers in over 200 countries, making it one of the most widely used payment systems in the world.For those looking for jobs in the programming, coding, application development, and IT space, PayPal offers a range of attractive opportunities. PayPal Coding includes support for iOS, Android and web platforms, enabling developers to write code for a wide range of devices. PayPal Application Development provides the tools and support needed to create innovative and engaging experiences for customers, ranging from mobile apps to virtual payment solutions.PayPal is continually evolving and improving, creating career opportunities for individuals with experience in coding and application development. With its powerful payment technology, PayPal is poised to become one of the most trusted payment solutions in the world. From its wide array of opportunities to its cutting-edge technology, PayPal is one of the best places to develop your technology skills and build a rewarding career in the ever-evolving digital economy.

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Principal Software Engineer

Average Work Hours (weekly unless noted): 40-50 hours/week
Average Salary (yearly in dollars unless noted): 130000
Description: This position is responsible for developing software used to support PayPal's global products, ensuring that the delivery of the software meets organizational standards and best practices. This individual is also expected to provide technical direction and mentorship to team members, and keep informed of current technologies and industry trends
Qualifications / Requirements: A minimum of 5 years of professional software engineering experience, specializing in full stack software development; experience working with development frameworks and design patterns related to web-development; experience working with relational databases and cloud technologies
Locations: San Jose, Scottsdale, Omaha, New York, Berlin, Chennai, Singapore
Career Paths: Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, Technical Product Manager, Data Scientist, System Architect, DevOps Engineer, Solutions Architect, Quality Assurance Engineer, Business Analyst, User Interface Designer, Network Security Analyst, Database Administrator.
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Recent Reviews

Karen M.
I have had a great experience in my role as a designer using PayPal. The tools they offer, like their API, have been easy enough to integrate quickly, and their customer service team has been extremely helpful when I’ve had questions the documentation couldn’t answer. Their resources have been invaluable in helping me to create the experiences my clients have been looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do I need to work at PayPal?
To work at PayPal, you must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a related field, and a strong history of customer service experience.
What kind of positions are available at PayPal?
Positions available at PayPal include Customer Solutions Specialist, Software Engineer, Compliance Analyst, and Financial Analyst.