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A coding bootcamp is an intensive, accelerated program that teaches students the skills they need to become proficient software developers. These programs typically last between three and six months, and are designed to give students the knowledge and hands-on experience they need to begin working as junior developers.
The cost of a coding bootcamp varies widely, depending on the specific program and location. On average, coding bootcamps cost around $11,000, with some programs costing as much as $20,000 or more.
According to a recent survey of bootcamp graduates, the vast majority (91%) of respondents felt that the cost of their bootcamp was worth it, given the benefits they received from the program. In addition, the same survey found that the median salary for bootcamp graduates was $65,000, which is significantly higher than the median salary for workers with only a high school diploma.
Many coding bootcamps offer some form of job placement assistance to their graduates. This may include things like resume and portfolio review, mock interviews, and connections to potential employers. However, it’s important to note that ultimately it is up to the individual student to secure a job after completing a bootcamp, and the success rate for job placement can vary widely between programs.
Coding bootcamps are not designed to replace traditional computer science degrees, and they do not offer the same level of depth or breadth of knowledge. However, bootcamps can be an effective way for students to quickly learn the skills they need to begin a career in software development, and many employers value the practical, hands-on experience that bootcamp graduates bring to the table.
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